AKWAPOLY Indecent Dressing Ban

AKWAPOLY Indecent Dressing Ban Goes Brutal

The Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic (Akwapoly) indecent dressing ban has spiked a new wave on campus. Recently in July 2024.

The Management of the State Owned Polytechnic decided to mount more pressure on indecent dressing in the polytechnic community making some of the students uncomfortable (especially those who are fun of dressing indecently to school.

Is this the first time Akwapoly is Agitating on Indecent Dressing?

No, this is not the first time the polytechnic community is mounting pressure on the students against indecent dressing.

In fact, as of 2017 the school management together with the School-to-School Peace Initiative (SPI) printed a billboard campaigning against indecent dressing and positioned it at strategic places around the campus.

The billboards were positioned in such a way that at least 95% of the students would have access to them and would be able to see them either while entering the campus or leaving.

Has Increased Pressure on Indecent Dressing Curtail this Menace?

However, the improved pressure mounted by the school management against indecent dressing has been able to create fear in the schools thereby scaring some of them from indecent dressing.

Some students are still bent on showcasing their stubbornness and rigidity not minding the consequences of their actions.

Has the Violators of Indecent dressing been apprehended?

On the very first day of enhanced and revamped pressure and campaign on indecent a total of about 78 students were found to be guilty of indecent dressing and were apprehended, and interrogated on their actions.

What is the Penalty for the Violators of Akwapoly Indecent Dressing Ban?

Even though the AKWAPOLY management has not fixed an exact punishment for the violators of indecent dressing, there are speculations that some might be given 1 to 3 years suspension.

However, at the time of writing this post, the exact punishment for the defaulters has not been fixed. Therefore, it is advisable for students to adhere strictly to this instruction and desist from indecent dressing so as to portray a good image of the polytechnic community.

How did AKWAPOLY Management get to be Informed About Indecent Dressing in the Campus?

The attention of the Polytechnic management has been drawn to numerous complaints from various quarters of the lackadaisical attitude of some students towards their mode of dressing on campus. The report has it that in most cases, these students use examinations as a pretext to perpetuate these actions.

Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic cut off mark

Instruction by AKWAPOLY Management on Indecent Dressing on Campus

Management wishes to inform all students that the law against indecent dressing is still in force.

Akwa Ibom State Poly sends warning to students against indecent dressing

Accordingly, the management of the institution will no longer tolerate these attitudes of indecent dressing and will take drastic measures to reduce the rate of indecent dressing on campus.

Students are also reminded that upon their completion of studies, they shall be certified both in “CHARACTER AND LEARNING.”


The polytechnic management is very determined to ensure that they restore sanity to the school community, as such every student is advised to desist from indecent dressing and not see the school management warning as a threat or deprivation of rights whatsoever.

So as to avoid any issues with the school management as this may threaten your stay in the institution.


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