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Category: Histories

The Kingdom of Mali and Mansa Musa’s Wealth

The Kingdom of Mali and Mansa Musa’s Wealth

This article explores the rise of the Kingdom of Mali, the remarkable wealth of Mansa Musa, and the lasting impact of his rule. The Kingdom of Mali, one of the most powerful and prosperous empires in African history, rose to prominence in the 13th century and dominated West Africa for centuries. At its height, it was a center of culture, commerce, and wealth, with its fame reaching as far as Europe and the Middle East. Central to this empire’s renown was…

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The Whites’ Visits to Africa: Exploitation or Development?

The Whites’ Visits to Africa: Exploitation or Development?

For centuries, Africa has been a continent of great interest to the Western world, especially Europeans. From the age of exploration in the 15th century to the postcolonial era, the relationship between the Whites and Africa has been complex, oscillating between claims of development assistance and accusations of exploitation.  This article delves into the historical and contemporary dynamics of these visits, examining whether they have contributed to Africa’s development or have been predominantly exploitative. Historical Context The relationship between Africa…

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