This study was aimed at investigating the influence of Inspiration FM programme “Community Corner” on community development in Ikot Ekpene. The objectives of this study were; to ascertain if the residents of Ikot Ekpene Local Government Area listen to the Inspiration FM programme “Community Corner”, to determine the extent to which the Inspiration of FM programme “Community Corner” encouraged meaningful discussion of issues of public interest in Ikot Ekpene, to examine the influence of the Inspiration programme “Community Corner” the community development in Ikot Ekpene and to ascertain the challenges of the Inspiration FM programme “Community Corner” in the community development of Ikot Ekpene L.G.A. This study used survey research design. The sample size for the study was 12 and sample random sampling technique was used to administer the questionnaire to the respondents. Findings reveals that the residents of Ikot Ekpene L.GA. listen to Inspiration FM programme “Community Corner”, Inspiration FM programme “Community Corner” influence the community development in Ikot Ekpene by creating awareness to the Government about the condition of the communities, encouraging people participation in community development, and urges Government and relevant bodies to cover up their lapses with respect to their services to the communities. The challenges of Inspiration FM programme “Community Corner” in the community development of Ikot Ekpene L.G.A. is that; most concern bodies and agent might not be listening to the complaint of the community at the time of broadcast, radio is not mostly been used in most homes this days, the radio create lesser impact since there is no graphic image to give more attraction, Government agents and ministers are not usually invited to the studio during the broadcast. Therefore, the researcher recommends that the programme should be broadcasted at an appropriate time in order to be able to obtained the listenership of  larger audience.




Title page              –         –         –         –         –         –         –         i

Certification          –         –         –         –         –         –         –         ii

Dedication             –         –         –         –         –         –         –         iii

Acknowledgement           –         –         –         –         –         –         iv

Table of contents   –         –         –         –         –         –         –         v-vii

List of tables          –         –         –         –         –         –         –         viii

Abstract       –         –         –         –         –         –         –         –         ix



1.1     Background of the study –         –         –         –         –         1-2

1.2     Statement of the problem           –         –         –         –         2-3

1.3     Objectives of the study    –         –         –         –         –         3-4

1.4     Research questions          –         –         –         –         –         4

1.5     Scope of the study –         –         –         –         –         –         5

1.6     Significance of the study –         –         –         –         –         5

1.7     Limitation of the study    –         –         –         –         –         6

1.8     Definition of terms          –         –         –         –         –         6



2.1     Concept of Development-         –         –         –         –         7-10

2.2     Concept of Media- –         –         –         –         –         –         10

2.2.1  Types of Media-    –         –         –         –         –         –         10-14

2.2.2  The Roles of Media-        –         –         –         –         –         14-16

2.2.3  Function of Media-          –         –         –         –         –         17-18

2.3 Media and community Development –     –         –         –         18-22

2.4 Media forms and Degree of Community Participation-          22-26

2.5     Theoretical Framework-  –         –         –         –         –         26-28

2.6     Review of Study-   –         –         –         –         –         –         28-29



3.1     Research Design    –         –         –         –         –         –         30

3.2     Population of the study    –         –         –         –         –         30

3.3     Sample and sampling procedure          –         –         –         30-31

3.4     Instrumentation      –         –         –         –         –         –         31-32

3.5     Validity and Reliability of instrument –         –         –         –         32

3.6     Method of data Analysis  –         –         –         –         –         –         32



4.1     Data presentation and Analysis –         –         –         –                   34-43

4.2     Discussion of findings     –         –         –         –         –         –         43-47



5.1     Summary     –         –         –         –         –         –         –         –         48-49

5.2     Conclusion –         –         –         –         –         –         –         –         49-50

5.3     Recommendation   –         –         –         –         –         –         –         50-51







Table 1: Distribution of Respondent by Gender       –         –         –

Table 2: Age Distribution of Respondents     –         –         –         –

Table 3: Educational Qualification of respondent    –         –         –

Table 4: Working Experience of Respondents         –         –         –

Table 5: Response on listenership of Inspiration FM programme -“Community Corner”

Table 6: Responses on the extent the Inspiration FM programme “Community Corner encouraged meaningful discussion of issues of public interest in Ikot Ekpene L.GA.    –         –         –         –         –         –

Table 7: Responses on the influence of Inspiration programme “Community Corner on the community development of Ikot Ekpene    –          –

Table 8: Responses on the challenges of the Inspiration FM programme “Community Corner” in the community development

of Ikot Ekpene L.GA.      –         –         –         –         –         –         –






1.1 Background to the Study

Over the years, government has done little or nothing for the development of the rural areas and this has resulted in the migration of rural dweller to urban area, leading to the problems of unemployment, crime, prostitution, child labour, insecurity poverty, proliferation of shanty living areas, spread of diseases and overstretching of the facilities and infrastructure in the urban area. Worried by the precarious condition of the rural areas, and the importance of the rural areas, and the importance of rural development in national development, government has realized that except rural development will remain elusive in Nigeria, considering the fact that development is measured on the scale of per capital of the nation, on the ration of the gross national income to the entire population. Therefore, grass root development is mostly desirable because the majority of the Nigerian population live in the rural areas (Ocheni and Nwankwo,2010) cited in Nzotta, Ohiri and orji, 2017). Little wonder, government, corporate bodies, institution and organization have been expanded to include national development and mass mobilization of citizens for development efforts, Asante (1997) cited in Akoja, (2016) accelerating that in any developing country the mass media have a crucial role to play in engendering development among the populance.

1.2     Statement of the problems

The rapid growth of radio stations has raised concerns over whether there are serving the public interest or the interest of advertiser and their profit minded owners. On one hand  there are people who argue that radio products like music and advertisement, which are suppressing development oriented Local content. On the other hand, there are those who believe that radio has taken the government and its policies closer to the people than in the days  back  and therefore helped to raise the level of development in the  rural communities. The fact is that radio plays significant roles in the development of rural areas.

The development of rural areas before the adverts of digitalization Ana radio amplified Modulation) was the order of the day but today. Fm radio (frequency modulation) is stage, new things keep emerging and there is bound to be some changes and new development. In the opinion of Okigbo (1990:343-344) the argument may not end because the effect of media scholars in any society.

In view of this, Ebeze (2002) stated that some schools of  though  believe communication cannot effect economic development in the society (Null affect economic development in the society some allude that some people under certain circumstance behave in certain ways it certain media school of thought). The former, maintains that the mass media have no effect at all on the society which the letter implies that some kind of communication. On some kind of people under some kind of condition, have some kind of effect.

1.3     Objectives of the study

The following are the objectives of this study.

  1. To determine the extent to which inspiration Fm programme “community corner” encourages meaningful discussion of issues of public interest.
  2. To examine the level of exposure of Ikot Ekpene Local Government residents to inspiration Fm programme “community Corner”
  3. To determine the influence inspiration Fm programme “Community Corner”
  4. Challenges the Fm programming Communication Corner in the count in Ikot Ekpene.

1.4 Research Question.

  1. Are the residents of Ikot Ekpene Local Government expose to the inspiration Fm Programme “ Community Corner”
  2. To what extent has the inspiration Fm programme “Community Corner” encouraged meaningful discussion of issues of Public Interest in Ikot Ekpene L.G.A.
  3. What are the influence of the inspiration Fm programme “Community Corner” on the community development in Ikot Ekpene Local Government Area.
  4. What are the challenges of the inspiration Fm programme “ Community Corner” in the community development in Ikot Ekpene L.G.A.

1.5 Scope of the Study

This study comprises of residents of Ikot Ekpene L.G.A, both male and female from the age of 13 years and above.

1.6  Significance of the Study

This work will also serve as a reference material to future researcher and students. It is important that radio serves the interest of the most vulnerable people in the rural area and up to 30 percent of the country’s 29 million people live below the poverty line, the cannot earn more than a dollars per day.


1.7 Limitation of the study.

In the cause of camping out this study there were some limitations, they are;

Demand for money by some respondents: but was over come through adequate explanations, that the study was specifically and academic requirement.

Delay on the path of the respondents to respond to questions on the questionnaire, was over  come through exercising of patience so as to achieve my pro-titles.

1.8     Definition of Terms

  1. Radio: this is a device used to disseminate information, to the diverse audience.
  2. Development: this is a change for the better in human, cultural, socio-economic and political condition of the individual and of the society.

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