This research project work focused on Influence of Nollywood movies on dress pattern among studies in Tertiary Institution, the aim and objectives among other were to find out whether Nollywood movies influence the dressing pattern of students of Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic. The survey method was found appropriate for the study and the questionnaires was the instrument for the study. The population of this study was 12,000. The sample for this study was made of 250 respondents of student of Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic who were able to respond to questionnaire forms which was analyzed though the use of frequency tables and simple percentages. It concludes that dress patterns in Nollywood movies have influence on the dress style of students in Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic. It was recommended that Nollywood movie industry should use their medium to promote the very rich cultural values of Nigeria and African.



CHAPTER           TITLE                                                           PAGES

                              Title page     –         –         –         –         –                   i

Certification –         –         –         –         –                   ii

Dedication   –         –         –         –         –                   iii

Acknowledgement           –         –         –                   iv

Table of contents   –         –         –         –                   v

List of Tables         –         –         –         –                   viii

Abstract       –         –         –         –         –                   ix


1.1                         Background of the studies          –         –         –         1

1.2                         Statement of the Problem          –         –         –         4

1.3                         Objectives of the Study   –         –         –         –         6

1.4                         Research Questions         –         –         –         –         7

1.5                         Scope of the Study           –         –         –         –         7

1.6                         Significance of the study –         –         –         –         7

1.7                         Limitation of the Study              –         –         –         9

1.8                         Definition of Terms         –         –         –         –         9


2.1               History of Nollywood Movies in Nigeria      –         11

2.2               Nollywood and Nigerian Behaviour    –         –         13

2.3               Nollywood and the University Students         –         24

2.4               The Social and Moral Implications      –         –         33

2.5               Ways Forward       –         –         –         –         –         35

2.6               Theoretical Review          –         –         –         –         36

2.7               Empirical Studies –         –         –         –         –         39


3.1               Research Design    –         –         –         –         –         42

3.2               Population of the Study   –         –         –         –         42

3.3               Sample and Sampling technique          –         –         42

3.4               Instrument of Data Collection    –         –         –         43

3.5               Validity and Reliability of Instrument            –         44

3.6               Method of Data Analysis and Presentation     –        45


4.1               Data Presentation and Analysis            –         –         46

4.2               Discussion of Findings    –         –         –         –         50



5.1               Summary     –         –         –         –         –         –         55

5.2               Conclusion  –         –         –         –         –         –         56

5.3               Recommendations –         –         –         –         –         56





Table 3.1: Cluster Sampling of Respondent  –         –         –         –         43

Table 1: Age Distribution of respondents                –         –         –         46

Table 2: Gender Distribution of respondents –         –         –         –         47

Table 3: Educational Qualification of Respondents –         –         –         47

Table 4: Responses on the perception of Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic

Students of dress pattern in Nollywood movies      –         –         48

Table 5: Responses on whether Nollywood movie influence the dressing   pattern of students in Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic          –         48

Table 6: Responses on how student can be dissuaded from

indecent dressing   –         –         –         –         –         –         –         49

Table 7: Responses on the effect of indecent dressing on the society –  50




1.1. Background of the Study 

The media have a very influential role in today’s world. It has a huge effect on people as it allows them to make choices and take various decisions on a variety of topics, one of which is their dressing habit. Not only does it affect the way people view various aspects of their lives, but it has also acted as a reference on a variety of subjects, including the design and pattern of the dress they wear. This is most evident when seen from the viewpoint of foreign films that people see for their recreation and entertainment (O’Rork, 2006).

Nollywood as we have it today is a refined product of what started many years back in Nigeria. Before the advent of film production in Nigeria, foreign films were exhibited in the major cities in the country. Film exhibition is said to have thrived during the colonial era, with Glover Memorial Hall showing memorable films in August 1903 (Baran, 2009).

The history of censorship of films in Nigeria indeed started very long before independence. It sought to check what is healthy and what is not healthy to watch. The Censor’s body later became Federal Board of Film Censors which got it powers from the 1948 Cinematography Laws of Nigeria. In fact, the present National Film and Video Censorship Board came into existence by virtue of decree, now Act85 of 1993.

The value of Nollywood movies as a medium of mass communication is esteemed all over the world. In Nigeria there are over one million audiences of Nollywood  movies film who are affected in one way or the another, the subjects treated in Nigerian nollyhood movies. These movies portray message that have influence on the viewers, mostly, their mode of dressing.

Movies hold a very special place in the culture of a people. Movies, like books, are a culturally special medium, an important medium of cultural transmission (Baran, 2009). Studies show that movies contribute to socilatization and the transmission of culture (Baran, 2009).

Research has shown that there exists a relationship between the mass media and social ills and other behavioural and attitudinal change in the society. For instance, the media are attributed considerable power to shape opinion and belief, change, habits and actively moulding behavior and imposing political system even against resistance.

The concern on media influence has led to the development of different communication theories. This is an attempt to explain the relationship between communication messages and their influence on the respondents.

O’Rork (2006) and Wogu (2008) argue that audiences are more likely to emulate models of behavior seen on the media if they expect to receive gratification from emulating another person. Behaviour is influenced not only by personal or live models but by those presented in the mass media (O’Rork, 2006).

Analysis on Media Influence continue to show that the media have influence on the pattern of bahaviour of its audience (Uwakwe, 2010). Okunna opines that because of their special power to affect the way people think feel, and behave, the mass media have been credited with incredible persuasive ability to change attitude and behavior. Culturally, this media influence could be in the area of language, behavioural response, pattern of eating and dressing.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

In recent times, it has been noted that a change is taking place as regards to the mode of dressing by the younger population. In Nigeria for example, that indecent appearance has come to characterize the dress pattern of many students on the campuses of higher learning in Nigeria. There is hardly any higher institution of learning in this country that is not faced with this nauseating problem. The way students on these campuses of learning particularly, the female ones, dress seductively leaves much to be desired. What the girls call skirts that they wear is just “one inch” longer than their pants. When they put on such dresses, they struggle to sit down, find difficulty in climbing machines, cross gutters as well as pick anything from the ground.

Nollywood movies are not entertainment but have greatly affected the lifestyle of students in terms of dressing, manner of approach, reasoning, as well as social behaviour of the students. Finally, several types of research have been carried out on foreign Nollywood representation and the perception of Nigeria Image by youth in Nollywood movies on the lifestyle of Nigerian Youths, but no such studies have been undertaken in Nigeria and precisely none among Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic Students. It is against this background that this work seeks to investigate the Influence of Nollywood dressing on the dressing habits of youths in tertiary institutions in Nigeria.

Nollywood movies are a veritable tools of mass communication, which cut across national and cultural boundaries with wide and fast distributing networks internationally. Nollywood movies are seen as source of entertainment and education, as well as conduit for promoting Nigerian culture.

In the face of media imperialism by foreign media and the over shadowing of Nigeria’s cultural values and manifest, it becomes important to examine the Nollywood movies to ascertain if it is influencing the dressing pattern of students in  tertiary institution in Akwa Ibom State.

An examination of some of the Nollywood movies will reveal that they portray nudity while some of the movies portray costumes that reflect the rich Nigerian culture, manifest in her traditional mode of dressing. Media and cultural researchers have noted that dressing is a manifest reflection of a people’s culture.

In the face of these challenges, it becomes necessary to examine the Nollywood movies influence the dressing pattern of student tertiary institutions in Akwa Ibom State, using Akwa Ibom State polytechnic as the case study.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

  1. To explore the University students’ perception of dress patterns in Nollywood Movies.
  2. To find out if Nollywood films influence the dressing habit of student at the Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic.
  3. To determine how to dissuade youths from indecent dressing.
  4. To Determine the effect of indecent dressing on the society

1.4     Research Question

  1. What is the perception of Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic students of dress patterns in Nollywood movies.
  2. Does Nollywood movie influence the dressing pattern of students in Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic
  3. How can the students be dissuaded from indecent dressing
  4. What is the effect of indecent dressing on the society

1.5     Scope of the Study

This study focused on the influence of Nollywood movie on dressing pattern among students in tertiary institution using Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic as the case study. This study will cover students at all levels in the institution.

1.6     Significance of the Study

A study of this nature is important to all segments of the society. The study will examine the extent which fashion trend amongst tertiary institution students influenced by Nollywood celebrities mode of dressing. This will in turn make Nollywood celebrities develop positive disposition to their mode of dressing in a bid to improve on them.

It will guide policy makers and regulatory agencies in providing protection against the exposure of movies that promote indecent dressing which negates Nigeria’s cultural values in the society. It will enable the government and policy makers to put adequate measures in place to check the movement of Western cultures into Nigeria film sector.

The study will be beneficial to undergraduates of universities in Nigeria in that it will serve as a source of updated information on the influence that could be exerted through the media. It will help providing solution to lapses in Nollywood industry especially in the aspect of promoting and preserving Nigeria cultural heritage and social norms.

The study will also serve to further substantiate other studies that may have be carried out on influence of Nollywood celebrities mode of dressing on fashion trends among undergraduates in Nigeria.

Researchers who may want to further their study in any related aspect of this research will find the research helpful as it forms bulk materials on the film industry, media and other academic.

1.7     Limitation of the Study

This researcher faced some obstacles in the course of gathering data, among the barriers were the unwillingness of some respondents, and government officials to provide information was another problem.

Again, the financial constraints made it difficult for the researcher to reach a wider public at the time frame too short.

1.8       Operational Definition of Terms

Fashion Trends: There are various trending pattern of dress, makeover and other emerging ways of life among students often influenced by the Nollywood.

Influence: The ability of Nollywood to affect or alter the moral behavior of students of University of Lagos especially on their dressing and fashion pattern.

Mode of DressingIt refers to the manner of dressing including the hairstyle, makeover among Akwa Ibom State polytechnic students.

Nollywood CelebritiesThese are actors and actresses that are participating in movies in Nigeria that are usually very popular and have lots of fans and followers.

Nollywood: The Nigeria n video film industry is known as Nollywood movies in this context which means the video films packaged by the Nigerian Home Video Industry for home viewing or is the name attributed to Nigeria’s movie industry. They are usually in the video cassette format or the video compact disc format.



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