Sport of sports is all forms of usually competitive physical activity which, through casual or organized participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability and skills while providing entertainment to participants, and in some cases, spectators.


Air sports


Ball sports

Board sports

Combat sports

Cycle sports


Ice sports

Indoor sports

Mind sports

Multi sport race

Motor sports

Racket sports

Strength sports

Target sports

Water sports

  1. Air sports: Air sports include a vast domain of aerial activities done as sporting events.
  2. Athletics: Athletics refers to sports events that test the athlete’s endurance, strength, and speed. It involves competitive running, walking, jumping and throwing.
  3. Ball sports: Ball sports are those games that use a ball in play. This includes various categories, including ball-over-net, ball- and- bat, and ball- and- stick game.
  4. Board sports: These types of sports are played with a specific board used as primary equipment. Examples of this type of sport are surfing and skate boarding.
  5. Combat sport: This type of sport is also called fighting sports. It is a competitive contact sport that involves one-on-one combat. It covers all martial arts and ancient fighting events, whether they use brute force or specific weapons.
  6. Cycle sports: Cycling or cycle sports, includes all competitive physical activities that use bicycles. They can be carried out as a race or a performance that shows tricks through using bikes.
  7. Gymnastics: Gymnastic is the performance of systematic exercises that requires and shows balance, flexibility, coordination, strength, and overall physical conditioning. These are often done by using different apparatus, such as rings, beams, and bars.
  8. Ice sports: Ice sports, as its name suggests, include sporting events that are performed in an ice field. They are mostly held during winter sports competition.
  9. Indoor sports: These are those games that do not require an open field to be played. They can be carried out at home or in a special structural indoor setting. Most table- top games are indoor ones.
  10. Mind sports: A mind sport is a game based in a particular intellectual ability to strategize and win competitions. It does not need arduous physical exercise and movement of the body. Therefore, it requires more mental than physical skills.
  11. Multi sport Race: This refers to the events that consist of components upholding different sports. It mixes a group of disciplines, usually athletics, that are performed consecutively. Examples of this types are the triathlon, tetrathlon, pentathlon etc.
  12. Motor sports: This is the general term referring to the various competitive sporting events that utilize motorized vehicles for racing or non- racing competitions.
  13. Racket sports: Rackets sport encompasses all games that involve hitting a ball or another object through the use of rackets. These types of sports showcase and improved the agility and speed of the players.
  14. Strength sports: The focus of this type of sport is an athlete’s muscular strength and capability. A strength athlete trains and competes by showing his muscle build or power. Example of these sports are weight fighting, power lifting, and body building.
  15. Target sports: This refers to competitive games that involve throwing or shooting a piece of equipment to hit a target. It enhances focus and concentration and promotes patience.
  16. Water sports: Water sports covers all sporting events played or performed in water.


  1. Better sleep
  2. A stronger heart
  3. New connections
  4. Improved lung function
  5. Increased confidence
  6. Reduces stress
  7. Improve mental health
  8. Develop stronger relationship
  9. Sport builds leaders
  10. Sport aids the healthy development of children


  1. Improved cardiovascular health
  2. Lowers risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes
  3. Helps manage weight
  4. Reduces blood pressure
  5. Enhanced aerobic fitness
  6. Improved muscular strength and endurance
  7. Improved joint flexibility and range of motion
  8. Stress relief
  9. Lowers risk of certain types of cancer
  10. Control cholesterol
  11. Ward off osteoporosis
  12. Strengthens immune system
  13. Improved sleep
  14. Mental health benefits
  15. Prolonged life


  1. You can improve your fitness level
  2. Sports can be a nice hobby
  3. Playing sports can improve your overall health
  4. You can find new friends through playing team sports
  5. Playing sports can reduce stress
  6. Sports can help you to become more confident
  7. You can learn how to deal with competition
  8. You may be able to turn your hobby into your profession
  9. Professional sports athletes can earn millions
  10. You may learn how to lead people
  11. Playing sports can help you to learn how to deal with conflicts
  12. Plenty of free training material for sports on the internet.


  1. Playing sports can be exhausting
  2. Sports equipment can be expensive
  3. Sports can be time-consuming
  4. Can interfere with your corporate career
  5. Playing sports can lead to serious injuries
  6. Some sports can also be quite unhealthy
  7. You may need a trainer to become really good
  8. Playing sport can lead to serious pressure
  9. You may give quite soon
  10. Success in sport may depend on individual talent


  1. Too much too soon
  2. Improper rehabilitation
  3. Imbalanced training sessions
  4. Ignorance
  5. Overuse: Chronic wear and tear of muscle, tendous, and joints can produce fatigue and overtraining muscle strains and cramps.


  1. Injuries
  2. Sore losers
  3. Expense
  4. Time commitment
  5. Snobbery
  6. Cliques
  7. Gamesmanship
  8. Weather problems
  9. Stress and sleep issues
  10. Repetition


  1. Injuries: Unfortunately, injuries go with the territory when you play sports. They can run anywhere from minor muscle pulls and strains right through to broken bones and worse. Sometimes the injury will keep recurring whatever health treatments you go through.
  2. Sore losers: Amateur sports are supposed to be about having fun, but try telling that to a sore loser. Sore loser suck all the joy out of playing. Coping with their fragile egos, bad tempers, and antisocial behavior is a challenge. Even if you beat them fair and square, they will imply that you cheated.
  3. Expense: There can be lots of hidden expenses when participating in sports. Clothing, club fees, coaching costs, and equipment can all drain your finances overtime. Tournaments and competitions out of town can result in large transport and hotel costs.
  4. Time commitment: Practices, coaching sessions, matches, and tournaments can eat up a lot of your time, especially if there is travelling involved.
  5. Snobbery: There’s always some show off who has to let you know about how they have all the best equipment, the most expensive clothing, and how they undertake all the most prestigious coaching.
  6. Cliques: Some sports clubs are warm, welcoming, and inclusive, but there are others that are a social night mare. Sometimes the clubs have bad the same leadership and membership for years, with set role and their own way of doing things. As a newbie, you struggle to fit in socially, and no matter how well that you play, it’s difficult to get picked for the team, or fell accepted.
  7. Gamesmanship: Unfortunately, the art of following a narrow and literal interpretation of the rules, while completely disobeying the spirit of them, typically by employing all sports of dubious plays and tactics to gain advantage, is alive and well in amateur sports.
  8. Weather Problems: If you play an outdoors sport, then you are completely reliant on the weather to be in your favor. Hence, the team practice or match can be cancelled or moved due to bad weather.
  9. Stress and Sleep Issues: When a team lost to another, there is possibility of the players thinking about all the mistakes they made during the match and would not be able to sleep.
  10. Repetition: Often going to the same place to play the same game against the same people is a problem. Also it is a problem if you play the sports all the year round, rather that just for a summer or winter season. In essence the problem is boredom through lack of variety.



Sports is very essential for every human life which keep them fit and fine and physical strength. It has great importance in each stage of life. It also improves the personality of peoples. Sport keep over all organ alert and heart becomes most stronger by regular playing some kind of sports.

Playing sport, interacting with others, and being part of a team enables people to develop numerous skills. These skills are essential skills that are important throughout our lives. Sports teaches us development, it helps us learn things such as resilience, leadership, accountability, respect and patience.

More so, sports besides helping children get active and healthy, sports participation can have other major benefits such as mental well-being and increased self-esteem. Sports healthy inculcates in students the importance of a self- esteem. Healthy lifestyle.

Through sports diabetes, weight, blood circulation, and levels of stress can be enhance, controlled and manage. Also there is a good balance of physical and mental growth, which helps tone muscles and makes bone strong.

However, sports also plays a crucial role in uplifting a nation’s economy. The World of sports plays a significant role in building a healthier society by bringing people from all walks of life together. Sports play a crucial role in influencing people’s lives as it helps in promoting a culture of fitness.

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