This research project work focus public relations strategies and corporate image of Ukanafun L.G.A., the aim and objectives among other were to find out whether Ukanafun Local Government Area utilizes public relations in building a sustainable cooperate image and to ascertain the public relations strategies that can be used to enhance the cooperate image of Ukanafun Local Government. The survey method was found appropriate for the study and the questionnaires was the instrument for the study. The population of this study was estimated at 160,100. The sample for this study was made of 200 respondents of Ukanafun L.G.A who were able to respond to questionnaire forms which was analyzed though the use of frequency tables and simple percentages. It concludes that public relations is an effective tool in building corporate image. The study further recommended, the different public relations strategies should be employed build the corporate image of the Local Government  Area so as to enhance development and growth in the area.



CHAPTER           TITLE                                                           PAGES

                              Title page     –         –         –         –         –         i

Certification –         –         –         –         –         ii

Dedication   –         –         –         –         –         iii

Acknowledgement           –         –         –         iv

Table of contents   –         –         –         –         v

List of Tables         –         –         –         –         ix

Abstract       –         –         –         –         –         x


1.0                         INTRODUCTION

1.1                         Background of the studies          –         –         –         1

1.2                         Statement of the Problem          –         –         –         6

1.3                         Objectives of the Study   –         –         –         –         7

1.4                         Research Questions         –         –         –         –         8

1.5                         Scope of the Study           –         –         –         –         9

1.6                         Significance of the study –         –         –         –         9

1.7                         Limitation of the Study              –         –         –         10

1.8                         Definition of Terms         –         –         –         –         10


2.0                         REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE

2.1                         Concept of Public Relations       –         –         –         13

2.2                         Corporate Image    –         –         –         –         –         15

2.3                         The Importance of Corporate Image    –         –         18

2.4                         Functions of Public Relations    –         –         –         20

2.5                         Types of Public Relations          –         –         –         22

2.6                         Public Relations Tools for Building Corporate Image    –         25

2.7                         Theoretical Framework   –         –         –         –         27

2.8                         Review of Study    –         –         –         –         –         32


3.0                         RESEARCH METHODOLODY

3.1                         Research Design    –         –         –         –         –         39

3.2                         Population of the Study   –         –         –         –         39

3.3                         Sample and Sampling technique          –         –         39

3.4                         Instrument of Data Collection    –         –         –         41

3.5                         Validity and Reliability of Instrument            –         42

3.6                         Method of Data Analysis and Presentation     –        42



4.1                         Data Presentation and Analysis            –         –         43

4.2                         Discussion of Findings    –         –         –         –         50



5.1                         Summary     –         –         –         –         –         –         54

5.2                         Conclusion  –         –         –         –         –         –         55

5.3                         Recommendation   –         –         –         –         –         55





Table 1: Age Distribution of respondents                –         –         –         43

Table 2: Gender Distribution of respondents –         –         –         –         44

Table 3: Educational Qualification of Respondents –         –         –         45

Table 4: Responses on the use of public relations in building sustainable corporate image in  Ukanafun Local Government Area     –         –         46

Table 5: Responses on factors that discourages or hinder the practice of public relations in Ukanafun Local Government     –         –         –         –          47

Table 6: Responses on the effectiveness of public relations effective in enhancing cooperate image of Ukanafun Local Government Area –      48

Table 7: Responses on the public relations strategies that could be use to enhance  cooperate image of Ukanafun Local Government Area –        49




1.1     Background of the Study

Public relations is “practically as old as society” Patrick Jackson, a publisher of the public relation society of America (PRSA) asserts that public relations arose from the basic need of building and improving human relationship. Thus, public relation has been practiced even if only amateurish, since the beginning of mankind. In ancient societies, human communication was limited by space and time. Due to the absence of modern technology, the potentials and application of public relations increased as societies became more urbanized, civilized and complex. As population increased so did the need problems of public relations. The responsibility of the public relations unit is to protect the image of the organization to the general public. The public relation practice was designed to protect the image of the organization, plan and execute all its approved public relations programmes. Corporate organizations have been embarking on public relations to create and maintain a mutual understanding with their publics.

According to Lukusa (2009) if an organisation’s portrayed identity does not coincide with the image perceived by its public, the organisation’s reputation and corporate image might suffer and as a result this might also affect the management of the entire organisation. The roles of public relations practitioners are thus very important and crucial in building the corporate image of their organisations to the public. These roles contribute to the development, the sustainability and a good functioning of the organisations.

Ukanafun has experienced a lot of crisis right from its creation in the year 1971 and till today Ukanafun is still having a challenge of crisis.

Ukanafun Local Government Area has numerous crisis that characterized the Local Government Area such as;

  • Kidnapping
  • Political Tussles
  • Killing
  • Intolerance among stakeholders
  • Inter-Villages Crisis etc.

This research work seeks to look of the arrays of the crisis and how possible public relations could be used to tackle some of the crisis. Hence Ukanafun has been declared a Local Government of emergency till further notice.

Crisis emerged in the universe right from the beginning of man and has remained a reoccurring decimal but not without effects. Man’s interactions with the environment coupled with the sophistication of the present age. Thus, people get involved in many activities with the prime objective to satisfy their basic or primary needs (Psychological and safety) and secondary needs (social, esteem and self fulfillment). In the process to achieve these need, crisis always emerge either between employee and employee and the management of an organization.

On the other hand organization and groups strive to win a bigger shame of the market as to make profit than rivals which will result in intensive. Communities due to interest will engage in crisis. Crisis is a necessary evil with us in Ukanafun Local Government area.

Presently, hardly is there any day without news of crisis from our media whether religion, political or industrial crisis. Of a truth, crisis has been with us for centuries but the spate of current violent crisis in organization government and communities portents grave danger and threaten the growth and stability of the society.

This situation requires appropriate measures and structures to manage properly these evil called crises.

According to Nkwocha (2004), crisis is any event, issue, occurrence or situation that will be described as a turning point for better or for worse. Crisis is also a period of heightened uncertainty that increase the demand to plan at the time in which both external and internal pressure change the goals and operational practices of an organization.

Crisis is a departure or expected and usual. In other words it is dysfunctional and is a disturbance in the normal functioning of the organization. It is wise to comment that crisis and conflict occur because it is functional and strengthening for solid change as well as organizational change at specific time.

This is so because crisis can strengthen organization internally, that relations, among department and units could reinforced and grow for instance, challenge and competition with other organization with in the industry. This may bring about unprecedented co-operation and unity that further strengthened the internal unity of the organization. It is interesting to know that crisis can empower organization with in an industry that many have been discriminated against, and could have been left out in taking part in coming together which will be healthy to these minority group by strengthening their unity bond.

In this direction, Salu (1994) views crisis as one of the agents and path of effective change unimaginable in organization. A crisis in some way causes something never to be the same again in a way.

Public relations practitioners are mostly concerned in the proactive crisis management and sustenance of corporate image of an organization or people. To be effective and efficient the public relations experts are required to be skillful technical knowledgeable and aimed with full information necessary to the effective crisis management. One of the best methods of handling crisis is to plan ahead anticipate crisis at any moment or point in time, mapping of preventive control measures and strategies in the eventful occurrence of crisis at all look.

1.2     Statement of the Problem

In the history of Ukanafun, right from the pre-colonial era, the inhabitant have been witnessing several crisis caused by several agents the outbreak which many comes as a result of a little misunderstanding between two parties had overtime been recorded with destruction of both lives and properties, thereby making life meaningless and reducing government developmental aspiration towards Ukanafun Local Government Area.

However, the problems include the following:

  1. Ukanafun had no crisis communication plan in place.
  2. Ukanafun also have numerous crisis that characterized the Local Government Area such as:


Political Tussles

Kidnapping etc.

Consequently, it is against this backup that this research work will base its focus, and also carry out an empirical study to examine whether or not public relations in Ukanafun has significant effect on the crisis management. Hence, this research work therefore aims at discovering the Roles, significances and effectiveness of Public Relations in crisis management in Ukanafun Local Government Area.

1.3     Objectives of the Study

the objectives of this study was given as follows;

  1. To assess whether Ukanafun Local Government Areautilizes public relations in building a sustainable cooperate image.
  2. assess the factors which discourages or hinder the practice of public relations in Ukanafun Local Government Area.
  3. ascertain the effectiveness of public relations in enhancing cooperate image of Ukanafun Local Government Area
  4. ascertain the public relations strategies that can be used to enhance the cooperate image of Ukanafun Local Government

1.4     Research Questions

The following research questions were developed to guide this research in order to achieve the set objectives

  1. Does Ukanafun Local Government Area utilizes public relations in building a sustainable cooperate image?
  2. What are the factors which encourages or hinder the practice of public relations in Ukanafun Local Government Area?
  3. Is public relations effective in enhancing cooperate image of Ukanafun Local Government Area?
  4. What are the public relations strategies that could be used to enhance the cooperate image of Ukanafun Local Government Area?

1.5     Scope of the Study

The scope of this study covers Ukanafun Local Government Area and specifically discusses public relations strategies and the cooperate image enhancement. The study also comprises male and female residents in Ukanafun Local Government Area ranging from the age of 18 years and above.

1.6     Significance of the study   

This work will benefit many co-operate organizations and government officials in crisis management. Also it will serves as a referent work for other researchers who will be interested in the topic of this research. It will also be of beneficial to communities and Public Relations experts as more knowledge.

This work will also help to inform the people on the need for public relations strategies in building the cooperate image of the case study in order to encourage investors and foreigners.

1.7     Limitations of the study

This researcher faced some obstacles in the course of gathering data, among the barriers were the unwillingness of some respondents, and government officials to provide information was another problem.

Again, the financial constraints made it difficult for the researcher to reach a wider public at the time frame too short.

1.8     Operational Definition of Terms

Cooperate Image: Corporate image is believed to be the visible element of Ukanafun L.G.A.,

Crisis: Crisis could be defined as an unexpected or unstable situation which is dangerous and can either lead to the development or downfall of Ukanafun L.G.A.

Government Institutions: An established organization or foundation, especially one dedicated to education, public service, or culture run by government. Such as Ukanafun L.G.A council.

Image Making: The act of Ukanafun people using public relations to create a favorable perception and view of people about them.

Management: Management can be defined as an act of maintaining Ukanafun L.G.A. in order to accomplish certain aims and objectives or goals.

Public Relations:  Is the practice of managing the spread of information between Ukanafun L.G.A. and the public.

Roles: Refers to the functions and position of Ukanafun LG.A. in promoting good image of the peoples

Ukanafun Local Government Area: Ukanafun is one of the Local Government Area in Akwa Ibom State which is surrounded by four different Local Government, which are Abak, Etim Ekpo, Ika and Oruk Anam, both North, South, East and West respectively. Ukanafun is a Local Government with one chairman, one paramount ruler, five clans with their clan heads and thirty villages with their various village heads.



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