Radio Presentation on Family Planning (Script Writing)

Radio Presentation on Family Planning (Script Writing)


Good morning listener, welcome to your favorite programme reaching you from the radio studio Pecky 102.5 FM.

Today we will be discussing on family planning. I am Atteh Esther.


Before we set the ball rolling, we take a short break please stay tune.


Music fade in…..















Welcome back: if you are just tuning in to our
station, we are discussing on the topic “Family Planning”.

Firstly, let look at what is family planning.
Family planning is the ability of individual and couples to anticipate and attain their desired number of children and the spacing and timing of their
birth. It is also the act of regulating the number and spacing of children in a family through the practice of contraception of other method of control. 

Since we know the meaning of family planning, let look at the causes of family planning?

             -Weak or inconsistent fertility preferences.

           -Genetic disapproval of preventing pregnancy.


            -Perceived low risk of getting pregnant.


Advantages of family planning, family planning
allows people to attain their desired number of children, if any and to determine the spacing of their providing clinical guidance.  It saves millions of infant lives each year by reducing the number of high risk births.


Let look at the disadvantages of family planning. They do not protect the couple against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Where appropriate, couples must use condoms or other barriers method as well.


Family planning benefits all committing human and financial resources to improving family planning services will not only improve the health and wellbeing of woman and child, but it will also support
efforts to achieve a sustainable global population.

Thank you for listing.   


Music fade out………   

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