The text Asa Kingdom by Udoinyang Mbat, is all about a crash between Asa kingdom and the Linkusi ethnic group. There’s a strange changes in Asa kingdom which the people are wondering where they have wrong the Linkusi ethnic group, for them to hold such grudges against them, they accepted them in good faith into their land as a people seasoned with Godly love. The arouse up and gang against Asa kingdom and planted evil seed against the will of nature in a peaceful land. The Linkusi ethnic group has not acted in good faith with those who have shown them love and grace.

Consequently, the Asa kingdom are suffering for accepting to be their brothers keepers, in which they don’t want to take laws into their hands, but they are requesting for justices. Their king Asuma is in deep sorrow over the difficult sad situation of his kingdom which he summons to make peace during the meeting.

At the other hand the people of Linkusi ethnic group during the meeting demand that they want their own shares of the land to plant crops that Asa kingdom has translated them from grace to slave which they said they have paid their dues in quatam funds, to a point when the heads Linkusi ethnic group leader (Imono) claims the heads his royal majesty, Asa kingdom (Asuma) is conspiring against the people of Linkusi, which the people of Asa kingdom where surprise and frown at it.

Unfortunately the meeting called with Linkusi ethnic group ended in dread lock which the Linkus. Group promise to take the option next to them which is war. The Asa king calls back which they refuse, there’s hot argument with Asa kingdoms chiefs which king Asuma looks furious because Imono leave without proper dismissing. Asa kingdom is in deep distress as Sam the Linkusi youth presidents mobilized their youths to commences kidnapping, targeted killing and other forms of crime which all this leads to the death of Uto’s wife Susa, Esua, Ina’s daughter. The kingdom is arose has people discuss the calamity that has befallen them. Nduwe’s house is burn to ash alongside with his son, Ufia burnt to death, there’s confusion in the palace as Okoma son Enu is brought dead to the palace, Ifowa. Emefon’s wife is reportedly kidnap the people wept bitterly for the calamity that has visited their household.

Luckily, the gods of Alcony hears the historic meeting prayers and the cry of his children and raise and intervene for their sake by sending a strange plagues to the Linkusi ethnic group making their water- pot turn bloody, rottens cassava tubers and things in the farm are drying because of the mysterious water overflowing, and the innocents escape the deadly hands of the gods. Karma follows, the price of evil is always grievous. The king said he only wanted peace to reign in the kingdom but they rejected their request for peace. The Linkusi elders pleaded for mercy Sam also pleaded with the king to tender mercy on his ruthless, reckless, rashness, which he was told to take an oath, the king granted mercy on them if only the grievance. That warrant their actions be no more because we never did wrong to embrace you in our arms.

Peacefully, king Asuma declare reconciliation between the kingdom and the ethnic groups the Linkusi, chief enter bearing rose flowers which signifies the love and unity to conclude the process of peace in naturing them to grow together.

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