Title Page    –         –         –         –         –         –         –         –         –         i

Certification          –         –         –         –         –         –         –         –         ii

Dedication             –         –         –         –         –         –         –         –         iii

Acknowledgement           –         –         –         –         –         –         –         iv

Table of Content              –         –         –         –         –         –         –         vi


1.0 Introduction          –         –         –         –         –         –         –         1


2.0     Botanical Classification of Carica papaya    –         –         –         5

2.1     Description of Carica Papaya   –         –         –         –         –         5

2.2     Distribution and Habitat of Carica papaya    –         –         –         7

2.3     Cultivation of Carica papaya    –         –         –         –         –         7

2.4     Ecology of Carica papaya        –         –         –         –         –         10


3.0     Nutritional and Medicinal Values of Carica papaya         –         15

3.1     Nutritional Values of Carica papaya             –         –         –         15

3.2     Medical Values of Carica papaya       –         –         –         –         19

3.2.1  Promotes the Functioning of Digestive System       –         –         21

3.2.2  Anti-Inflammatory and Wound Healing Properties  –         –         21

3.2.3  Protection Against Age-Related Macular Degeneration     –         24

3.2.4  Protection Against Lung and Prostrate Cancers       –         –         26

3.2.5  Antifungal and Anti-Bacterial Properties   –  –         –         –         27

3.2.6  Antifertility and Contraceptive Uses    –         –         –         –         28


4.0 Summary and Conclusion

4.1     Summary               –         –         –         –         –         –         –         31

4.2     Conclusion –         –         –         –         –         –         –         –         32





The papaya (Carica papaya) is the tropical fruit that is native to the tropics of South America. According to the historical reports. It was first cultivated in Mexico several centuries ago but is currently being cultivated in most of the tropical countries. The current largest commercial producers of Papaya include the United States, Mexico and Puerto Rico. Currently many genetically modified hybrid varieties are commercially available for cultivation, which are more resistant to diseases (Jiao et al., 2010). Over the past 40 years the production of papaya has increased drastically. The estimated production in the year 2009 was 10.21 million tons (FAO, 2010).

Papaya is normally a single seen plant that can reach up to 10 meters with spirally arranged leaves confined to the top of the trunk. It is a highly frost sensitive plant. The plant grows rapidly and starts fruiting within one and half to 3 years. The productive life of the plant is about three and a half year. Although there is a slight seasonal peak in its production in early summer and fall, yet the papaya tree can produce the fruit year round. The flowers appear on the axils of the leaves, maturity into large spherical, pear shaped fruit whose length can vary from 7 to 20 inches and can reach up to 2.5kg in weight. Papaya fruit has normally greenish yellow. Yellow or orange colour. The fruits is climacteric and exhibits an increase in respiration and ethylene production during ripening (Koslanund, 2003). The fruit ripens rapidly at room temperature. It is ripe when it feels soft and its colour changes to amber or orange hue. The shelf life of the ripened fruit is short only 2 to 3 days (Archbold et al., 2003). The two flesh colours (red and yellow) of papaya fruit are controlled by the same single gene. However the yellow colour is dominant (Yamamoto, 1964). The red colour of papaya fruit is due to the accumulation of lycopene, whereas the fellow colour is the fruit ripens. Its colour changes which is caused by the breakdown and disappearance of chlorophyll. The flesh colour of papaya fruit is considered a quality trait correlates with its nutritional value and is linked to shelf life of the fruit. The full genomic sequences of both yellow and red fleshed papayas have been reported to be identical (Skelton et al., 2006). No significant compositional differences have been reported between the transgenic and non-transgenic papaya (jiao et al., 2010).

Papaya is a powerhouse nutrients and is available throughout the year. It is a rich source of threes powerful antioxidant vitamin C. vitamin A and vitamin E; the minerals, magnesium and potassium; the B vitamin pantothenic acid and folate and fiber. In addition ot all this, it contains a digestive enzyme-papaintha effectively treats causes of trauma, allergies and sports injuries. All the nutrients of papaya as a whole improve cardiovascular system, protect against heart diseases, heart attacks, strokes and prevent colon cancer. The fruit is an excellent source of beta carotene that prevents damage caused by free radicals that may cause some forms of cancer. It is reported that it helps in the prevention of diabetic heart disease. Papaya lowers high cholesterol levels as it is a good source of fiber. Papaya effectively treats and improves all types of digestive and abdominal disorders. It is a medicine for dyspepsia, hyperacidity, dysentery and constipation. Papaya helps in the digestion of proteins as it is a rich source of photolytic in papaya is extracted, dried as a powder and used as an aid in digestion. Ripe fruit consumed regularly helps in habitual constipation. It is also reported that papaya prevents premature aging. It may be that it works because a poor digestion does not provide enough nutrients to our body. The fruit is regarded as a remedy for abdominal disorders. The skin of papaya works as a best medicinal for wounds. Even you can use the pulp left after extracting the juice from papaya as practice on the wounds. The enzymes papain and been found helpful in lowering Inflammation and healing burns. That is why people with sense (such as asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis) that are worsened by inflammation, find relief as the severity of the condition reduce after taking all these nutrients (Aravin et al., 2013).


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