Jackfruit rags is a rich source of nutrients such as calcium, sodium and magnesium which help in strengthening bones and teeth in the body, and as such should not be considered as waste products white eating the fruit. The analysis of macro mineral of Jackfruit rags was carried out using Atomic Absorption spectrophotometer. From the results, it was revealed that the jackfruit rags is composed of calcium sodium, magnesium, potassium and prosperous in the following decreasing concentration ( Calcium 18.06 ± 1.48mg/100g) > Na. 8.52± 0.71mg/100g> Mg 3.27±0.13mg/100g > K0.88±0.06mg/100g > Pd0.01± 1.41mg/100g respectively. From the result obtained all the macro elements much lower than the required dietary allowances as recommended by institution of medicine .
Title Page
Table of Content
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Aim and Objectives of the Study
1.3 Scope and Limitation of the Study
1.4 Definition of Terms
2.1 Description of Artocarpus heterophyllus
2.2 Factors Affecting the use of Artocarpus heterophyllus
2.3 Animal feed
2.3.1 Extraction of Bioactive compounds
2.4 Medicinal uses of Different part Artocarpus heterophyllus
2.5 Importance of Macro Elements
2.5.1 Potassium
2.5.2 Calcium
2.5.3 Sodium
2.5.4 Magnesium
2.5.5 Phosphorus
3.1 Materials
3.2 Sample Collection
3.3 Sample Preparation
3.4 Elemental Analysis
4.1 Results
4.2 Discussion
5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Recommendation
1.1 Background of the Study
Jackgfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) belongs Moraceae family. They grow abundantly in India, Bangladesh, in many parts of Southeast Asia, and in some parts of Nigeria. Jackfruit is a non-leguminous plant whose seed and pulp are edible. Jackfruit is rich in nutrients including carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. Both the seeds and the flesh of jackfruit are consumed as curies and boiled forms, while the flesh in fully ripen stage can be eaten directly as a fruit. Several countries have developed different food products such as jams, jellies, marmalades and ice cream using pureed jackfruit. The several parts of jack tree including fruits, leaves and barks have been extensively used in traditional medicine, due to its anticarcinogenic, antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-inflmmatory, wound healing and hypoglycemic effects. Despite all those benefits, unfortunately, the fruit is underutilized in commercial scale processing in regions where it is growth. The seed may be boiled of roasted and eaten or boiled and preserved in syrup like chestnuts.
Jackfruit pulp when pureed can be used in the production of infant formulas, juice, and base for cordials while various parts of jackfruit tree have been used in ethno-medicine and its wood is useful in timber industries (Ro and Joshi, 1995).
In Nigeria jackfruit cultivation and consumption has gone into extinction and regarded as food for the poor. It is a non-seasonal fruit and had a major contribution to the food supply for the people and their livestock when there were sort supplies of sample staple food grains. Therefore, it is referred to as poor man’s food (Singh et al., 1963). It is a monoecious tree and both male and female inflorescence are found on the same tree. The fertilization is by cross-pollination and the propagation is mostly through seeds. The complete fruit development process takes about three to seven (3-7) months from the pollination, varying in different countries.
1.2 Aim and Objectives of the Study
The aim of this research is to determine the macro-mineral composition of rags of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) in order to establish some nutritional properties as may affect its consumption potential.
Sourcing of the jackfruit rags within Akwa Ibom State.
To analyse the jackfruit rags for macro-mineral such as Na, Ca, Mg, P and K using standard analytical methods.
1.3 Scope and Limitations
Due to unavailability of facilities and finances, this research project is limited to only the macro-mineral analysis of jackfruit rags (Artocarpus heterophyllus).
1.4 Definition of Terms
Mineral: A mineral is a chemical element required as an essential nutrient by organisms to perform functions necessary for life.
Nutrients: These are all essential mineral acquired for healthy growth of plant.
Rickets: A condition caused by the dietary deficiency of calcium and phosphorus seen primarily in childhood.
Macro-minerals: These are essential nutrients required in large quantities for healthy growth of plant.