The aim of this study to investigate the effects of church location on residential property values with particular reference to Abak/IKot Ekpene Road in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State. Questionnaire was used to collect data from 448 respondents who lived around the church locations. GPS was also used to collect data on distance between church location and residential properties. The results revealed that church location did not have significant effects on the rental values of residential property. It further revealed that noise pollution from churches was the major negative concern of occupants of residential neighborhood. The implication of this is that churches can exist in residential neighborhoods but noise pollution from churches should be controlled to avoid the negative effects on human health. Government is therefore advised to make laws and give clear guideline on churches operation in residential neighborhood to control noise pollution. The contribution to knowledge is that religious land use especially churches and residential land residential land use are compatible land uses as church location does not have significant effects on residential property values located around it.  However, noise pollution from churches is the externality that pushes to create conflict in the compatibility of religious land used on residential land use.



TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                  

Title Page ======================================================i

Declaration =====================================================ii


Dedication ======================================================iv

Acknowledgement ================================================v

Abstract======================================================   vi

Table of contents ============================================== vii – ix


1.1 Background of the Study ========================================1-2

1.2 Statement of the research problem ==================================2-3

1.3 Aim and Objective of the Study ====================================4

1.4 Research questions==============================================4

1.5 Scope of the Study =============================================4-5

1.6 Significant Of the Study =========================================5-6

1.7 Location of the Study ===========================================6-7


2.1 Introduction ==================================================8

2.2 Conceptual Framework ==========================================8

2.2.1 The Concept of Property Value ==================================8-10

2.2.2 The Concept of Hedonic Pricing Model ========================== 10-12

2.2.3 Factors Affecting Residential Property Values ====================== 13-14

2.2.4 Trends in Rental Values of Properties in Nigeria ===================   14-15

2.3 Concepts of Location of Residential Properties=========================15

2.3.1 The Tiebout Model ===========================================16

2.3.2 The Filtering Down Theory =====================================17

2.4 Location of Place of Public Worship (Church) ========================17-19

2.5 The Concept of Neighborhood in Residential Environment ===============19-20

2.6 Externalities Exhibited By Churches================================20

2.6.1 Positive Externalities Exhibited By Churches ========================21

2.6.2 Negative Externalities from Churches ===========================  22-23

2.7 Externalities and Effects on Residential Property Values. ================23-34

2.8 Noise Pollution and Its Effects ==================================24-25

2.9 Traffic Congestion and the Effects ================================25-26

2.10 Empirical Studies ==========================================26-29

2.11 The Concept of Scatter Diagram ================================30

2.12 Summary of Literature Review =================================30-32


3.1 Research Design ==============================================33

3.2 population of the study ==========================================33

3.3 Sample and sampling techniques ===================================33

3.3.1 Sample Frame =============================================33-34

3.4 Research Instrument ===========================================34

3.5 Data collection procedure ======================================34

3.6 Data Analysis Techniques ========================================35


4.1 Introduction ==================================================36

4.2 General Response ===========================================36-38

4.3 Data presentation ============================================38-45

4.4 Data Analysis ==============================================45-47

4.5 Discussion of findings ======================================= 47-49


5.1 Summary of findings ==========================================50

5.2 Conclusion from the findings ================================== 50-51

5.3 Recommendations ========================================== 51

References ================================================53-54


Appendix 2===================================================56-58

Appendix 3===================================================59-64




1.1 Background of the Study

Residential properly is a multidimensional commodity characterized by spatial fixity and durability (Tse, 2000) it is often said that the most important factor in determining residential property values is location. As a properly fixed to a particular location whatever happens in the location where the properly is situated is most likely going to have some influence on the value of the properties on that location.

Historical designation (Coulson and Leichenko, 2001), Park and green belt (Bolitzer and Netusil, 200);

Externalities with nuisance on properly values include noise (Frankel 1991), traffic (Hughes, 1992), Waste sites (Green berg and Haghes, 1993), Air pollution (Komaroua, 2009) churches (Wilber 1994).

In Nigeria, residential neighborhood and by extension the entire urban environment is characterized by proliferation of Churches (Akanni, 2003). It is quite common to see more than ten churches located within a small residential neighborhood. We are not religiously homogeneous as Christians, so in a typical residential neighborhood where those Churches are located, these Churches hold services at many different times during the day and night and week. Not only are the Churches diverse in their services, but also the Churches are taking on more and more roles such as day care centres, Youth recreation, social services and many other activities all the times of the day and week.

In Nigeria two studies have been carried out on this subject by Iroham & Oloyode (2010) and Babawale & Adewumi (2011). Having reviewed the two studies conducted in Nigeria, we observed some gaps that the Sample size of Churches used were too small (one and three Churches respectively), the study was carried out on Pentecostal Churches alone conducted in the south west Nigeria (Lagos and Osun) whereas we have other religious in Nigeria. In order to bridge these gaps we chose to increase the sample size of Churches to include both Pentecostal and orthodox churches in the study and conduct the study in Abak/Ikot Ekpene Road in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State which is in the South-south Zone of Nigeria. By the increase in sample size, inclusion of another class of churches and choice of a different location, a wider view can be achieved.

The findings and conclusion of this study will guide planning authority in land allocation and approvals for the various Churches in residential neighborhood. It will guide real estate investors in their residential estate investment and will ‘also help to settle the controversies on Church location in residential neighborhood.

1.2 Statement of the research problem

In some cities in Nigeria, it is common sight to see Churches springing up in a unprecedented manner that do not conform with the existing town planning laws, building regulation and zoning regulations (Akanni 2013).

The place at which Churches are spreading is alarming and this may be attributed to freedom of worship (Adesanyia, 2011). This has allowed Churches to be freely established and located anywhere without any restriction. Quite often, controversies erupt about the impact of Churches location on residential neighborhood. Some local neighborhood groups often oppose the location of Churches in the neighborhood on the grounds that it will increase traffic and noise pollution in the neighborhood which may have adverse effect on their health. This group complains about the attitude of Churches mounting their loud speakers on roof top and fascia board, use of heavy sound equipment, loud ringing of bells, etc.

Many occupiers are resistant to proliferation of Churches into their neighborhood because of the negative externalities exhibited by Churches located in residential neighborhood. Other groups have argued that location of Churches within residential neighborhood has positive impact on residential property values because it leads to moral transformation and reduction in crimes in the neighborhood,

and that elderly people prioritize proximity to Church because of their loathe to drive and would be more satisfied to live close to church. Based on these divers’ opinions, location of churches within residential neighborhood has been a subject of concern and a controversial issue in several places.

One of the numerous implication of disorderly development with regards to worship centres in Nigeria is religious conflict which is triggered by blockage of roads during services and pervasive media coverage (Sampson, 2012).

Recently Lagos State Environmental protection Agency (LASEPA) shut twenty two (22), religious houses based on complaints of nuisance to residential neighborhood from the religious houses. The question then remains whether location of Churches in residential neighborhood have positive or negative externalities on residential property values. It is necessary to answer this question because there is a growing recognition that land use compatibility is essential to the success of residential property investment located close to churches in Abak/Ikot Ekpene sector in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State.


1.3 Aim and Objective of the Study

The aim of this study is to examine the effect of church location on residential property values in Abak/Ikot Ekpene road sector Uyo, Akwa Ibom State.

To achieve the aim of the study, the following objectives were set;

(i) to identify the member of churches located in residential neighborhood at Abak/Ikot Ekpene road sector in Uyo, Akw Ibom State.

(ii) to examine the aspects of the church activities that bear negative effect on residential neighborhood

(iii) to evaluate the trends in rental values of residential propreties located close to churches in Abak/Ikot Ekpene road sector in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State.

1.4 Research questions

This study seeks to answer the following questions;

(i) how many churches are located in Abak/Ikot Ekpene sector in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State?

(ii) what aspect of church activities bear negative impact on residential neighborhood?

(iii) what are the trends in rental values of residential proprerties?

1.5 Scope of the Study

Churches are found in almost every country of the world. Periodically, controversies erupt about the impact of a proposed church in a neighborhood.

Establishing churches within the residential properties or neighborhood could have externalities on the values of residential properties within the neighborhood.

This study sought to examine the effects of church location on residential property value for the purpose of this study the focus was on the city of Uyo in Akwa Ibom State.

The Study focused on two types of residential properties which were bungalows and tenement buildings. We chose these types of residential properties because they are commonly found in our Cities, therefore data on them can be easily obtained.

1.6 Significant Of the Study

Residential neighborhood is very essential to human existence because it provides man with shelters, refuge, comfort, security and dignity (Waziri and Roosh, 2013).

Residential neighborhood provides man with comfort while on earth and as such anything that concerns it should be handled with much care. A church is equally very important because it is a place where Christians congregate and learn and worship God. The location of church could have some influence on residential neighborhood. This study seeks to examine the influence of church location on residential property values.

The study is relevant as follows;

(i) It creates awareness on the effects of neighborhood churches on residential properties values.

(ii) It enlightens worshippers on knowing which aspect of their church activities have greater impact on the neighborhood to enable them to fine-fund it.

(iii) It will assist urban planners, the courts and real Estate values in resolving the debate on the nuisance versus amenity effects of neighborhood churches.

(iv) It will assist urban planners in giving approvals for the development of church buildings.

(v) It will scripts as reference for further studies in the academic circle.

1.7 Location of the Study 

The study area is Uyo City. Uyo become a local government Headquarters in 1976 and the administrative capital of Akwa Ibom State in 1987 when the State was created. The Urban area is located within the south-south geopolitical zone of Nigeria. Uyo City is bounded by five (5) adjoining Local Government of Ibiono Ibom on the North, Urban and Ibesikpo Asutan on the south, Abak on the waste Itu on the East. The estimated population of the town as at 2015 was 554,906 (www.aksgoline.com). The major local language spoken in the City is Ibibio while the official language is English language. The people are predominantly of the Christian faith, the city is predominantly made up of civil servants with government being the engine of growth. The city has major roads like Ikot Ekpene road which link the city with Ikot Ekpene Local Government Area and the neighboring Abia State, willington Bassey way which leads to the Government House, Uyo, Oron road which leads to the Airport, Aka road which leads to Ibesikpo Asutan Local Government Area, Olusegun Obasenjor way which leads to the State Secretariat, Federal secretariat, International Stadium, Teaching hospital and Abak Local Government Area.

The city has major infrastructures lice fly over e-library, 21st Century hospital, International Stadium, Tropicana entertainment centre etc.it has some prominent residential neighborhood like E-net housing Estate, Shelter Afrique, Osongama Estate, Akwa Ima Estate, Housing Estate, Abak road etc.

The study area is relevant in achieving the research objective because the city is predominantly Christianity city and there are many Pentecostal and orthodox churches operating in the city within residential neighborhood.

Also there are many classes of residential properties including tenement building and bungalows which are the target properties for this study with these features, the location is suitable for the study.





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